Sunday, June 27, 2010

Water the healer

Our bodies are made up of nearly 75% water and rest is made from the other four natural elements, viz. fire, earth, sky, air. Among the many people that I have spoken to about the importance of drinking abundant water to replace the loss that occurs due to many causes, including our excretory systems.
One saint emphasized on people using water to flush away all the toxins and hence all the diseases from our bodies. His teaching is very simple, that the very first thing that one should do is to drink exactly 5 glasses of water ( 1250 ml) everyday early in the morning as soon as one awakens, even before brushing teeth. He says that the "over night saliva" in the mouth acts as medicine when flushed down with the 5 glasses of water. Though there is no side effect or any harm by this treatment as we are using the natural element water, since we cannot predict the effect of "flushing" on the cody of certain patient and since no alternative therapy can substitute the well researched and studied treatments of the modern medicine, it is always advisable to keep in touch with your family doctor, even while you are doing the water therapy.
It is claimed that by drinking 5 glasses of water regularly, even chronic diseases have been cured. Chronic blood pressure, diabetes, conspitation, bronchitis and many other problems. It is known that all diseases have their toxins deposited all over our body and when this huge amount of water enters our system, it ats like a flush and removes all the dirt and germs via the excertory systems of our body.
One may find it difficult to swallow 1250 ml of water without brushing and early in the morning. the saint has asked the patient be made to get used to drinking water starting from 1 glass on the first day, 2 glasses on the second day, and so on till the target of 5 glasses is reached. Sometimes the transition from say 2 glasses of water to 3 glasses may take more than three days but nevertheless, it should not be stopped, and till the patient feels comfortable he sould be allowed to take his own time to reach the target of 5 galsses of water. Never should one expect mircles overnight, the curing or the benefits may take a long time to come through, as they depend on the age of the chronic disease and definately on the faith of the patient too.
But this is the most simple form of treatment for as the saint says, "we have golden medicine supplied to our taps everyday, but we run around from pillar to post, in search of good and low cost doctors who will prescribe us medicines that can give us instant results."
Dear fellowmen, we should know since the disease did not develop overnight, so much so the remedy will also take time to come in. It is like stain on the cloth, the more old and stuborn the stain is, the more effort will be needed to remove it. One has to observe that the diseases slowly goes away and the "feel good" feeling gets to set in in a permanant manner.
It costs nothing to try out this simple method ( as preventive treatment) of getting rid of our diseases. As we all know that diseases spare no one, sooner or later, they manifest into all bodies, why not be safe by the easier way.

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