Reiki as I have learnt it, is a Universal Energy and is present in all the 'creations of the creator' which means he living and the non-living alike. The energy exists in everything only the vibratory levels of different things differ and hence living things are able to move much than the non-living things.
When I was getting trained in this wonderful art of healing in the early 2002, we had a elderly student in our group who narrated to us the wonderful effect Reiki had on one of his garden plants. He had a Rose-creeper which flowered sesonally and whne in bloom, there blossomed lovely Rose of light red colour having a size that of a small tamato or a potato. The creeper was about seven feet in height and the flowers stayed on for about three-four days and then withered away. This continued on a daily basis and as the old flowers withered and fell away, new ones would blossom and the creeper would look happy and pleased for all the three months or so, being its flowering season.
Our elderly student, decided to try out Reiki on to a bud in the creeper. He just cupped hands over the bud and held it lightly for about 10 minutes on a daily basis. Normally the bud took about to days to turn into a flower, but this one was up-and-about in about 60 hours. He kept on pasing Reiki to flower and to his surprise the flower blossomed to the size of a small cabbage. It was so pretty that all us wished that it would not wither away, he kept giving Reiki for days and the flower was blooming on-and-on. There as destiny would have it, on th 18th day there was a strong wind and we lost the flower to the gusty breeze.
Later on almost every body in the group gave Reiki to some plant in their house or garden and everybody had a amazing story to tell about the effect of Reiki on their favorite plants.
My story although not much different, but includes the carrot plants indoors. I had taken two carrot cappings and kept in two different 'cups' containing water just to cover the tops. I labelled one cup as Reiki and the other as non-reiki. I passed 10 minutes Reiki on a daily basis to the cup marked as Reiki but I left the other cup to grow naturally without Reiki.
The third day onwards, the growth started showing difference. The carrot which received Reiki was growing tall at a faster pace, ts green colour was shinier and the small branches and leaves were larger. The other plant was growing slowly.
Since I was raising the plants only on water, their lives had to be short and so within 12 days both the plants withered away. On the 12th day the Reiki plant was 11 inches in height while the non-Reiki plant was just 5 inches.
If you have learnt Reiki, please treat your indoor and outdoor plants and you will be surprised at the results the you get.
The Kitchen Garden is the best place to start to get good and Reiki powered vegetables !!!
I cannot stop myself from commenting here, because I have got a very nice experience similar to this, and now I know its called Reiki, because I read your blog. Actually, its my mom's experience and she has taught me something out of that. We had a rose plant in our balcony for quite sometime, we used to water it and all daily,but it never ever gave us any rose, one fine day, mom came to me so excited and she said, see the rose plant has a bud on it. And I was not understanding why is she so happy, further, she told me, "Yesterday, I spoke to the plant, just touched it with love, I was near and close to it for few minutes, I did not see any bud, but today I saw a bud, the plant gave me back my love by giving me a rose!!" She always says, talk to plants, love them, make them feel you care, and see they also talk to you and they grow well, only watering doesn't help. And she was right, there is no doubts this is Reiki and no miracle..