Monday, June 14, 2010

Importance of ACCEPTANCE in our daily life.

During the Reiki classes I have alwasy insisted on following the 5 principles of Reiki and practicing the attitude of Acceptance. Whenever we read about acceptance, we presume that we will have to accept all the 'bad things' that we may come across in our lifetime. And that we will to accept all the 'unwanted people' into our lives, people who make our living a nightmare and cause a 'unecessary tension' which we try to avoid by 'not acepting them' in our daily chores.
Really, it not that difficult to follow the 5 Principles of Reiki. They all refer to our 'human nature' and the harmful habits that we have acrued during our lifetime, while passing through the hard times. we get angry all the time. We worry all the time. We try to get our work done or do somebody's work 'in an out of turn' manner by being a little dishonest. We are seldom thankful forthe things that we receive, for we always expect a 'higher' or 'bigger' thing than we deserve or need from the mother nature. Finally, when all these things do not work as WE want to, we get upset with God and the critisize the creations of the Lord.

Taking a small example, it can be explained, why it is necessary to 'accept' every little thing that God offers in 'as is - where is' condtion.

Mahesh, had a liking for a particular brand of Rice which he purchased from his grocer in bulk (quantity for a monty) on every 5th. It was 5th again and he was standing at the grocery shop but the shopkeeper this time said, 'sir but your favorite Rice has not been supplied this month, it may take a few days for it to come.' Mahesh instantly got red in face and started abusing the shopkeeper, ' wht is this, you know I need that Rice now what will I do? Do you know where else cn I get it? Even if have to pay a little extra (black) I want that Rice now?' We see here that Mahesh instantly disregarded the first three principles of Reiki, First he got angry. Second he began to worry from where he could get his stock. Three he even got ready to buy the Rice in black (dishonesty), just within a moment.
But, had Mahesh accepted the situation and prcticed being content and satisfied with what he 'got' his reaction would be, " Ok, that is alright. But as sson as you get the stock please intimate me, I will come and buy it from you. In the meantime, please give me the next best.'
With the acceptance Mahesh avoided disregarding the Principles of Reiki. First he does not get angry. Second he is not worried. Third he does not even for a moment think about buying the Rice in black (dishonesty). With this he is contented and satisfied plus he has not made the life of the shopkeeper miserable.
In the example the 'rice' can be 'anything' and when the 'acceptance' method is applied it works wonders for everyone and everytime.
That is why, I practice, teach and insist upon my students to follow the 'acceptance' principle, that will make their living easy and also of those who live around them.
Love and light.

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