Sunday, June 27, 2010

Water the healer

Our bodies are made up of nearly 75% water and rest is made from the other four natural elements, viz. fire, earth, sky, air. Among the many people that I have spoken to about the importance of drinking abundant water to replace the loss that occurs due to many causes, including our excretory systems.
One saint emphasized on people using water to flush away all the toxins and hence all the diseases from our bodies. His teaching is very simple, that the very first thing that one should do is to drink exactly 5 glasses of water ( 1250 ml) everyday early in the morning as soon as one awakens, even before brushing teeth. He says that the "over night saliva" in the mouth acts as medicine when flushed down with the 5 glasses of water. Though there is no side effect or any harm by this treatment as we are using the natural element water, since we cannot predict the effect of "flushing" on the cody of certain patient and since no alternative therapy can substitute the well researched and studied treatments of the modern medicine, it is always advisable to keep in touch with your family doctor, even while you are doing the water therapy.
It is claimed that by drinking 5 glasses of water regularly, even chronic diseases have been cured. Chronic blood pressure, diabetes, conspitation, bronchitis and many other problems. It is known that all diseases have their toxins deposited all over our body and when this huge amount of water enters our system, it ats like a flush and removes all the dirt and germs via the excertory systems of our body.
One may find it difficult to swallow 1250 ml of water without brushing and early in the morning. the saint has asked the patient be made to get used to drinking water starting from 1 glass on the first day, 2 glasses on the second day, and so on till the target of 5 glasses is reached. Sometimes the transition from say 2 glasses of water to 3 glasses may take more than three days but nevertheless, it should not be stopped, and till the patient feels comfortable he sould be allowed to take his own time to reach the target of 5 galsses of water. Never should one expect mircles overnight, the curing or the benefits may take a long time to come through, as they depend on the age of the chronic disease and definately on the faith of the patient too.
But this is the most simple form of treatment for as the saint says, "we have golden medicine supplied to our taps everyday, but we run around from pillar to post, in search of good and low cost doctors who will prescribe us medicines that can give us instant results."
Dear fellowmen, we should know since the disease did not develop overnight, so much so the remedy will also take time to come in. It is like stain on the cloth, the more old and stuborn the stain is, the more effort will be needed to remove it. One has to observe that the diseases slowly goes away and the "feel good" feeling gets to set in in a permanant manner.
It costs nothing to try out this simple method ( as preventive treatment) of getting rid of our diseases. As we all know that diseases spare no one, sooner or later, they manifest into all bodies, why not be safe by the easier way.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

How long before I die?

"How long will I live?" or "what is my expiry date?" or "is there any way I can know my expiry date?" these questions always haunt the minds of us Human beings. It is not that we are all afraid of death cause we all know that since we were born, we all need to die too. But when?
The answer to these questions cannot be given by anybody. Then why do we need this information in the first place? It is quite evident that if we knew exactly the date when death would come to us, we could have taken proper steps and completed our tasks and expired in a much contented manner. It is like when we know the expiry date of the medicines, we know exactly within what period of time, it has to be taken, and if it crosses the expiry date we should not take it at all.
Here the discussion is not about when we are going to die and is there any method of finding out at least approximately. When I was doing Reiki self practice, i put up this question to the wondeful kind power, Reiki, and I got an intuition about this.
As a human being grows in age and structure, he also grows in experience. He interacts with many people in his life time and keeps on getting buquettes and brickbacks and there comes a time, when he utters these very words - "aadhi jindigi to kat gayi, baki aadhi bhi guzar jaye to achcha hai." So Reiki asked me to meditate on my past years, as to when I had said these to anybody or even to myself. I did just that and during the prctice, I came up with the result that I had said these words when I was about 34-35 years old. It was not out of frustration at that time, cause I was having nice job, I was married and also had a cute lieele daughter and was happy. But I clearly remembered during the Reiki past life meditation that I did say that.
So shall we say that I was given an indication at the age of 34-35 that half my life was over and my total life could be anything 68-70 years? It is a question that now bothers me.
I may be wrong or I may have stumbled upon the correct answer. For after that I have many people utter exactly the same words. though I have not been able to keep a track of them or their lives, it somehow seems true.
Anybody willing to try out this method?
Just meditate and try to locate at what age did you say these words or maybe you did not till now !!! good for you hai na???

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Giving Reiki to your plants

Reiki as I have learnt it, is a Universal Energy and is present in all the 'creations of the creator' which means he living and the non-living alike. The energy exists in everything only the vibratory levels of different things differ and hence living things are able to move much than the non-living things.
When I was getting trained in this wonderful art of healing in the early 2002, we had a elderly student in our group who narrated to us the wonderful effect Reiki had on one of his garden plants. He had a Rose-creeper which flowered sesonally and whne in bloom, there blossomed lovely Rose of light red colour having a size that of a small tamato or a potato. The creeper was about seven feet in height and the flowers stayed on for about three-four days and then withered away. This continued on a daily basis and as the old flowers withered and fell away, new ones would blossom and the creeper would look happy and pleased for all the three months or so, being its flowering season.
Our elderly student, decided to try out Reiki on to a bud in the creeper. He just cupped hands over the bud and held it lightly for about 10 minutes on a daily basis. Normally the bud took about to days to turn into a flower, but this one was up-and-about in about 60 hours. He kept on pasing Reiki to flower and to his surprise the flower blossomed to the size of a small cabbage. It was so pretty that all us wished that it would not wither away, he kept giving Reiki for days and the flower was blooming on-and-on. There as destiny would have it, on th 18th day there was a strong wind and we lost the flower to the gusty breeze.
Later on almost every body in the group gave Reiki to some plant in their house or garden and everybody had a amazing story to tell about the effect of Reiki on their favorite plants.
My story although not much different, but includes the carrot plants indoors. I had taken two carrot cappings and kept in two different 'cups' containing water just to cover the tops. I labelled one cup as Reiki and the other as non-reiki. I passed 10 minutes Reiki on a daily basis to the cup marked as Reiki but I left the other cup to grow naturally without Reiki.
The third day onwards, the growth started showing difference. The carrot which received Reiki was growing tall at a faster pace, ts green colour was shinier and the small branches and leaves were larger. The other plant was growing slowly.
Since I was raising the plants only on water, their lives had to be short and so within 12 days both the plants withered away. On the 12th day the Reiki plant was 11 inches in height while the non-Reiki plant was just 5 inches.
If you have learnt Reiki, please treat your indoor and outdoor plants and you will be surprised at the results the you get.
The Kitchen Garden is the best place to start to get good and Reiki powered vegetables !!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Importance of ACCEPTANCE in our daily life.

During the Reiki classes I have alwasy insisted on following the 5 principles of Reiki and practicing the attitude of Acceptance. Whenever we read about acceptance, we presume that we will have to accept all the 'bad things' that we may come across in our lifetime. And that we will to accept all the 'unwanted people' into our lives, people who make our living a nightmare and cause a 'unecessary tension' which we try to avoid by 'not acepting them' in our daily chores.
Really, it not that difficult to follow the 5 Principles of Reiki. They all refer to our 'human nature' and the harmful habits that we have acrued during our lifetime, while passing through the hard times. we get angry all the time. We worry all the time. We try to get our work done or do somebody's work 'in an out of turn' manner by being a little dishonest. We are seldom thankful forthe things that we receive, for we always expect a 'higher' or 'bigger' thing than we deserve or need from the mother nature. Finally, when all these things do not work as WE want to, we get upset with God and the critisize the creations of the Lord.

Taking a small example, it can be explained, why it is necessary to 'accept' every little thing that God offers in 'as is - where is' condtion.

Mahesh, had a liking for a particular brand of Rice which he purchased from his grocer in bulk (quantity for a monty) on every 5th. It was 5th again and he was standing at the grocery shop but the shopkeeper this time said, 'sir but your favorite Rice has not been supplied this month, it may take a few days for it to come.' Mahesh instantly got red in face and started abusing the shopkeeper, ' wht is this, you know I need that Rice now what will I do? Do you know where else cn I get it? Even if have to pay a little extra (black) I want that Rice now?' We see here that Mahesh instantly disregarded the first three principles of Reiki, First he got angry. Second he began to worry from where he could get his stock. Three he even got ready to buy the Rice in black (dishonesty), just within a moment.
But, had Mahesh accepted the situation and prcticed being content and satisfied with what he 'got' his reaction would be, " Ok, that is alright. But as sson as you get the stock please intimate me, I will come and buy it from you. In the meantime, please give me the next best.'
With the acceptance Mahesh avoided disregarding the Principles of Reiki. First he does not get angry. Second he is not worried. Third he does not even for a moment think about buying the Rice in black (dishonesty). With this he is contented and satisfied plus he has not made the life of the shopkeeper miserable.
In the example the 'rice' can be 'anything' and when the 'acceptance' method is applied it works wonders for everyone and everytime.
That is why, I practice, teach and insist upon my students to follow the 'acceptance' principle, that will make their living easy and also of those who live around them.
Love and light.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Giving Reiki to yur medicines and glass of water

Reiki is a very simple and effective method of healing that too by our own touch of hands. Those who have leartn Reiki and pracitce quite meticulously will agree to the fact that Reiki is by far the most helping energy that accelerates the healing processes of the body just by our intention and touch.
In my long association with Reiki I have found many more things that Reiki can help with. I have asked my patients who opted to let Reiki into their lives and werer ready to heal themselves for various diseases, that they even give REiki to their medicnes and to the glass of water that they drank to flush the medicines down their throats. They simply has to hold their medicines in between their palms and pass Reiki for about five minutes. Then in a similar manner pass Reiki to the glass of water. When they did this for quite some time their Doctors were amazed to find that their "expected side effects" of the medicines were almost negligible and that they were responding to the "healing" better. Some ort of "happy feeling" was developin in their body, mind and soul. The "I am Sick" feeling was being reduced and "I am getting well" feelin was becoming prominent.
So if you have learnt Reiki and are taking medicines for any type of problems, please try giving Reiki and if you are not onto medications, I would advise you to take all your "glasses of water" with a little Reiki, it is bound to make the difference for Reiki always benefits its practitioner in the best manner possible.